Swayamsiddha Foundation, Mumbai is a registered non governmental organization working since 2006. The organization works on a hierarchy based model where members are at primary level and Coordinators lead the members. As a part of its expansion programme in other districts, we are looking for young dynamic women who can handle the responsibilities of coordination of work in their area where they reside.
The Coordinator must be able to:
1) Assist Swayamsiddha Foundation, Mumbai in spreading information about the foundation in the respective area. They would be provided required training, assistance and guidance.
2) Lead and coordinate with the Members registered with Swayamsiddha Foundation in their area.
3) Enroll new members under them
4) Act as an interface between the enrolled members and Swayamsiddha Foundation, Mumbai.
What will Coordinators get :
1) They would be provided honorarium for the work of enrollment of members.
2) They would be provided training, hand-holding support, guidance and assistance.
3) They will get first hand experience of leading groups as Coordinators.
4) Performing Coordinators will get an opportunity to work as Regional Coordinators and lead other Coordinators.
5) They can reach up to Management Level if they perform.
Conditions :
1) This being a not for profit organization, we provide limited honorarium.
2) Interested candidate must be from a non-political background and must have some exposure in the fields such as Self Help Group, Business, Self Employment etc.
3) Selected Candidates will be Official Representatives of Swayamsiddha Foundation and their names and contact details shall be made available on the Website and other Media of Swayamsiddha Foundation.
4) They must attend meetings, Training programmes (mostly online ) called by their Regional Coordinators & Management.
5) They must call meetings of their members and must provide primary level information / guidance to members.
6) Preference will be given to Swayamsiddha Members to act as Coordinators as they are aware of working of the organisation.
To apply as a Coordinator, please submit the form available in the link below.